Some history: Wilson and Lagrange
Here I have to move quickly (in fact I'll simply have to fly through this section), and attempt not to get too involved in covering standard material (of a type that I covered last November 2004 with my 2nd year BEd and BA students).
The essential point about Wilson and Lagrange is that they discovered fundamental connections
First the classic theorem of Wilson (of which there are many, many proofs, including one-and-a-half of my own (published in 1967)):
Wilson's theorem
(first proved by Lagrange in 1777). For
prime one has
Note. The converse of Wilson's theorem:
), then
is prime
is a complete triviality (however, should polynomial time factorial modular computation ever become a reality then that would be a different matter!).
Numerical examples (here I am interested only in demonstration , not in fancy footwork; in short, I want you to see the potential size of the numbers involved).
p := 37; # a prime, of course
(p-1)!; # the actual value of the factorial
(p-1)! mod p; # the normal remainder
mods((p-1)!, p); # the least absolute remainder
p := 39; # NOT a prime
(p-1)!; # the actual value of the factorial
(p-1)! mod p; # the normal remainder
mods((p-1)!, p); # the least absolute remainder
I had to omit the large output from the (p-1)! following in the html version, as it led to problems:
p := nextprime(1234); # a prime
# (p-1)!; # the actual value of the factorial
(p-1)! mod p; # the normal remainder
mods((p-1)!, p); # the least absolute remainder
Lagrange besides publishing the first proof of Wilson's theorem in 1777, published some important related work: he proved - using Wilson's theorem - important distinctions (discovered by Fermat, who could not provide proofs) between the way in which primes leaving remainders 1 and 3 on division by 4 behaved.
Briefly, Fermat had observed (in equivalent non-congruence language ; congruence notation only came in with Gauss in his monumental Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801)) that
Numerical illustrations.
p := nextprime(1000);
p mod 4;
msolve(x^2 + 1 = 0, p);
p := nextprime(2000);
p mod 4;
msolve(x^2 + 1 = 0, p);
Suffice it to say that Lagrange noted the following (trivially-derived) consequence of Wilson's theorem:
) (Lagrange congruence)
(you see why, of course? Use
), for
, and...)
In summary, this is what one had